Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Are you Dave?

“You have just missed him” was the greeting at Dave’s Corner Market by the very friendly and helpful staff, after asking for Dave.   He had gone to City Hall to do Mayor things but would be back tomorrow at 6.30am to open up the shop that he has run for many years.
I thought that I had better buy a coffee and try to think what to do next, then decided to use  the power of email to get to the man at the top.  As you may know, I’m a little slow at typing 
and took a lot longer than I should, trying to find the UK code to leave my number on the email that he may never read I felt a little beaten.    Then I hear a voice and look over to see the same man that I have seen in Dave Gormans book many times (not that Dave Gorman shows him loads of times, it’s that I have read the book many times) and I just asked “are you Dave?”.
Next thing I explained about the film and the people we are trying to locate and film.
Dave couldn’t have been more helpful, we filmed the piece and talked some more.
He even took us down to City Hall and showed us around his office and we talked even more.
It turns out that Dave is into photography himself and was very interested in our kit 
(Canon  5D) that we were using to shoot our film.
Dave (mayor) also fondly remembers Dave Gorman and sent him a message  which we will put in the edit just for Dave (Gorman).
Dave, thankyou so much...

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